POI-OpenXML4J - Java API To Access Office Open XML documents(POI-OpenXML4J - 访问 Office Open XML 文档的 Java API)



OpenXML4J is the POI Project's pure Java implementation of the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) defined in ECMA-376.(OpenXML4J 是 POI 项目对 ECMA-376 中定义的开放打包约定 (OPC) 的纯 Java 实现。)

Every OpenXML file comprises a collection of byte streams called parts, combined into a container called a package. POI OpenXML4J provides a physical implementation of the OPC that uses the Zip file format.(每个 OpenXML 文件都包含一组称为部分的字节流,它们组合成一个称为包的容器。 POI OpenXML4J 提供了使用 Zip 文件格式的 OPC 物理实现。)


OpenXML4J was originally developed by openxml4j.org, and was contributed to Apache POI in 2008. The original code is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/openxml4j/. Thanks to the support and guidance of Julien Chable(OpenXML4J 最初由 openxml4j.org 开发,并于 2008 年贡献给 Apache POI。原始代码可在 https://sourceforge.net/projects/openxml4j/ 获得。感谢 Julien Chable 的支持和指导)

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