POI-HSMF - Java API To Access Microsoft Outlook MSG Files(POI-HSMF - 访问 Microsoft Outlook MSG 文件的 Java API)



HSMF is the POI Project's pure Java implementation of the Outlook MSG format.(HSMF 是 POI 项目的 Outlook MSG 格式的纯 Java 实现。)

At this time, it provides low-level read access to all of the file, along with a user-facing way to get at the common textual content of MSG files. to all(目前,它向所有人提供了对所有文件的低级读取访问权限,以及一种面向用户的方式来获取 MSG 文件的常见文本内容。)

There is an example MSG textual renderer, which shows how to access the common parts such as sender, subject, message body and examples. This is in the HSMF examples area of SVN. You may also wish to look at the unit tests for more use guides.(有一个示例 MSG 文本渲染器,它展示了如何访问常见部分,例如发送者、主题、消息正文和示例。这是在 SVN 的 HSMF 示例区域。您可能还希望查看单元测试以获取更多使用指南。)

Note (注意)
This code currently lives the scratchpad area of the POI SVN repository. To use this component, ensure you have the Scratchpad Jar on your classpath, or a dependency defined on the poi-scratchpad artifact - the main POI jar is not enough! See the POI Components Map for more details. (此代码当前位于 POI SVN 存储库的暂存区。要使用这个组件,请确保您的类路径中有 Scratchpad Jar,或者在 poi-scratchpad 工件上定义了依赖项 - 主 POI jar 是不够的!有关详细信息,请参阅 POI 组件图。)
Note (注意)
This code is subject to change between versions, and being "scratchpad", doesn't maintain the usual Apache POI backwards compatibility guarantees. In particular, the way that property values are fetched is expected to change soon, as part of the work to improve fixed-length property support. (此代码可能会在版本之间发生变化,并且作为“暂存器”,不保持通常的 Apache POI 向后兼容性保证。特别是,作为改进固定长度属性支持工作的一部分,预计获取属性值的方式将很快改变。)

by Nick Burch, Travis Ferguson(作者:尼克·伯奇、特拉维斯·弗格森)

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