JACOB 1.18(雅各布1.18)

What's New

Tracked Changes

119 (new numbers) (M?)Attribute lacking in MANIFEST.MF required since Java 1.7u45
42 (new numbers) (M3)Mapping of names to dispIDs implemented
Feature Requests

JACOB 1.17(雅各布1.17)

What's New

Tracked Changes

3505940 (M2)JacobVersion.properties accidently omitted from JAR. Must build from command line to get it included.
3436102 (M1)Fix memory pointer that was 32 bit. Causes defects in 64 bit systems above 2GB
115 (new numbers) (M3)Release problem if you've got two threads with the same name
111 (new numbers) (M3)m_pDispatch is not 0 if not attached
117 (new numbers) (M4) NullPointerException injacob-1.17-M2
41 (new numbers) (M3)Fix for SafeArray(String) constructor
Feature Requests

JACOB 1.16(雅各布1.16)

What's New

Tracked Changes

3436143 (M2)Remove Main-Class from MANIFEST because there is no main class entry point for this jar file
3435567 (M2)Add HRESULT to error message when unknown COM error raised in Dispatch
  (M2)Added debug info to advise failure messages.
  (M2)Added support for null dispatch object in putVariantDispatch.
  (M2)Fixed memory leak in Variant.cpp zeroVariant method possibly related to previous fix proposed in SF 1689061 but never implemented. I guess we should fix it since people keep pointing it out
  (M2)Variant.getString() now returns null for NULL or EMPTY Variants instead of throwing exception.
3412922 (M1)Fix for: When a DispatchEvent is created with a COM object, the COM object is never released totally, and the destructor function is never called.
3377279 (M1)Fix possible exception. Added initializing Variant used to retrieve the next value from IEnum because some implementations call VariantClear on it before setting a new value
  (M1)Isolate compilation of SafeArrayTest.java because it is UTF-16 and not UTF-8
  (M1)Changed windows version _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0500 to fix build with VS2010. (now 2000 or later)
  (M1)Fixed the leak in Java_com_jacob_com_Variant_putVariantNoParam
  (M1)Added Dispatch.Method to the invoke flags to call _NewEnum. There are some non-conforming legacy implementations that expose _NewEnum as a method.
Feature Requests

JACOB 1.15(雅各布1.15)

What's New

Tracked Changes

3065265 (M4)Bit masking in Variant.getXXXRef() uses wrong mask allowing more than one type to be seen as the requested type. Code that passed in the correct type always worked but invalid types were not always detected.
2935662 (M4)Error handling code crashes because of uninitialized data in Dispatch.cpp Check for NULL fails. pfnDeferredFillIn pointer is not initialized, but it's not NULL.
2819445 (M3)SafeArray.fromLongArray fails when using VariantLongInt
2847577 (M3) SafeArray#setString(*) incorrectly handles unicode strings
2721937 (M2)System.getProperties call caused security exception in applet. com.jacob.includeAllClassesInROT now acts as master switch for class/ROT control. This change also has the side benefit that the PutInROT property is not checked on every object creation for users who run in the standard all classes in ROT mode.
2762275 (M1)Support conversion of primitive arrays to Variant arrays.
2171967 (M1)VariantUtils.populateVariant can cause VM crash with unrecognized type.
Feature Requests
3137337 Add JNLP Applet example. Read the README to understand what jar file signing and file placement is required
2963102 (M4)Convert API to use var args and remove the many overloaded Dispatch methods that each added one more parameter.
2927058 (M4)a hasExited() method that allows polling until a COM server is terminated and implemented this method in JACOB
Known Issues

JACOB 1.14.3(雅各布1.14.3)

Tracked Changes

2011706 Fixed windows memory corruption unhooking call back proxy
1986987 Possible deadlock when multiple threads starting and stopping that rely on implicit ComThread.InitMTA
Feature Requests
Known Issues

JACOB 1.14.1(雅各布1.14.1)

Tracked Changes

1919441 Type: loading 64 bit jacob.dll. Computed dll name includes space that is not in name of actual dll
Feature Requests
Known Issues

JACOB 1.14(雅各布1.14)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1857439 (M7) version.properties renamed to META-INF/JacobVersion.properties to remove collision with WebSphere version.properties.
1840487 (M6) toJavaObject() converting to SafeArray did shallow copy that left two objects pointing at the same windows memory.
1829201 (M5) DECIMAL rounding behavior externalized and old Variant decimal API restored.
1829201 (M5) DECIMAL rounding behavior externalized and old Variant decimal API restored.
1829201 (M4) Decimal type now throws IllegalArgumentException when more than 12 bytes worth the digits exist in BigDecimal. Rounding support added to reduce precision of BigDecimals when converting into VT_DECIMAL
1815163 (M2) Double and Decimal conversion to Int fails for negative values
Feature Requests
1845039 (M7) Jacob DLL name can now be customized to support bundling of Jacob in other products.
1845039 (M6) Jacob DLL names are now qualified by platform and release. The JacobLibraryLoader now determines the correct 32bit or 64bit dll based on the system architecture. Jacob.jar now also knows the version of the dll it is looking for (by name) and loads the correct one. JWS clients will have to modify their dll loaders. See: The JWS classloader sample
1828371 (M4) Added VT_I8 support to SafeArray.
1813458 (M3) Expand type support. Changed currency support to use new Currency class. Added VT_I8 64 bit support. VT_I8 support requires Windows XP or later. VT_I8 not supported by windows in Windows 2000 and earlier. Added more primitive constructors to Variant.
1816863 (M1) Migrate Jacob to JDK 5
Known Issues
This is now built with Java 5 compiler and Java 5 syntax. This release is not compatible with JDK 1.4.x and earlier.
This release requires the Visual C++ 2005 libraries. See 1.13 Known Issues for more information.

JACOB 1.13(雅各布1.13)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1793362 (M5) ERROR_MORE_DATA causes failures. Fix submitted for defect found while porting Jameleon to use current release of Jacob.
1775889 (M4) Fixed leak SafeArray setString(int[],value) and other setString() methods
1794811 (M5) Support Unicode strings in COM failure messages
1793346 (M5) Replaced use of deprecated API and removed unused variables.
1701995 (M2) Added option to exclude classes from ROT to try and manage memory in heavy event callback programs. Feature is 100% backwards compatible by default.
1709841 (M1) Compiled with Visual Studio 2005. Jacob now requires 2005 or later libraries. See the UsingJacob.html file for impact this has on NT, 2000 and Server 2003 users.
Feature Requests
1772783 (M4) Added VT_DECIMAL support for BigDecimals whose scale less than 28
1761727 (M3) unittest directory test programs converted to JUnit 3.8.1. New ANT target created to run all unit tests.
Known Issues
Jacob 1.13 is built using VC++ 2005. That creates a dependency on the Visual C++ 2005 libraries and msvcr80.dll. This library is normally installed on XP systems but may have to be manually installed on older systems. The pagackage, often referred to as vcredist.exe can be obtained from the MS downloads site. If you are getting loader errors on this release or later when loading the dll then you may be missing this library.

JACOB 1.12(雅各布1.12)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1651926 (pre-release 1) ActiveXComponent: getPropertyAsString should call getString() instead of toString()
1569864 (pre-release 1) IEnumVariant leak fixed in patch 1674179
1112667 (pre-release 1) IEnumVariant leak fixed in patch 1674179
1465539 (pre-release 1) IEnumVariant leak fixed in patch 1674179
1699946 (pre-release 5) Unrecognized event callback id leaves thread attached to VM when ComFailException is thrown.
1699965 (pre-release 5) toJavaObject() fails for Dispatch because getDispatchRef() called instead of getDispatch().
1674015 (pre-release 1) ROT hashmap key generation when autogc=no (default) can lead to key collisions in hashmap. This causes objects to be garbage finalized when they shouldn't be resulting in vm failures with large (large) numbers of objects.
1674179 (pre-release 1) Fixed Enum leaks with EnumVariants in Variant.cpp and EnumVariant.cpp
1687419 (pre-release 3) Corrected calls to AttachCurrentThread in EventProxy
1689061 (pre-release 4) C code changes to fix VC2003 compiler warnings.
1690420 (pre-release 4) Incorrect memcpy lengths for Currency Variants
1650134 (pre-release 6) Beta support for VT_VARIANT (VariantVariant). Includes support for putVariant, getVariant, toJavaObject, Variant(Object,flag). Enclosed variants are retreived as Java objects.
Feature Requests
1662887 (pre-release 1) Dispatch static methods should throw runtime exceptions when null is passed in for the Dispatch object and when the Dispatch object is in an invalid state.
1702604 (pre-release 6) Support java semantics in event callbacks. Create ActiveXInvocationProxy and ActiveXDispatchEvents that provide the supplemental API. See IETestActiveXProxy.java for an example.
Known Issues
1504120 Identified 1.11.1 Microsoft 2003 Server crashes. Server crashes on MS 2003 Server have been reported over time. Some users have had say that Jacob must be built on MS2003 Server to run reliably. The Jacob distribution on Sourceforge is built on Windows XP SP2
1677933 Identified 1.11.1 Process affinity may have to be set on dual core machines to avoid com exceptions.
no ticket Identified 1.11.1 Versions of JDK 1.5 prior to 1.5_10 are known to leak JNI handles. See the Sun bug tracking system http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6399321 for more details.

JACOB 1.11.1(雅各布1.11.1)

What's New

Bug fix release (错误修复版本)

Tracked Changes

1602188 Variant toString() causes stack overflow for byRef() Variants (This show stopper defect forced the 1.11.1 release)
1611487 Variant toJavaObject() doesn't work for byRef Variables and returned the wrong value for unrecognized Variant types.
1607878 Variant getJavaDateRef() fails.
SF1603631 Concurrent modification of ROT causes VM crashes. Access to the ROT has been sychronized. No performance impact analysis has been done
Feature Requests

JACOB 1.11(雅各布1.11)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1550604 Build process died with confusing error if version not set in properties file(pre1)
1511033 Fix array index out of bounds problem due to coding error (pre1)
1570270 ~Event method in EventProxy may unhook java thread from VM. Can get JNI error because unhooking listner detatched Java VM thread (pre1)
1538011 toString() non compliant with java standards. The toString() method converted the underlying data to a string and it shouldn't. This caused a rethinking of all toXXX() methods other than toDispatch(). Most of the toXXX() methods have now been deprecated and should be replaced with getXXX() methods. (pre1)
1478162 Variant does not warn user if methods called after released. All putXXX() and getXXX() methods now check to see if they've been released prior to calling the JNI code. toXXX() methods are deprecated but protected in the same way.(pre1)
SF1493647 Support command line parameter dll location specification. Applets and other tools can now specificy the dll location that is fed to a System.load() rather than System.loadLibrary for the situation where the app can't write the dll to a library path directory.(pre1)
Feature Requests
1580993 Modify the build process to support 64 bit dll construction(pre2)
1550628 Moved all LoadLibrary requests into LibraryLoader. Classes not subclassed off of JacobObject make calls to a static method on LibraryLoader to make sure DLL is loaded(pre1)

JACOB 1.10.1(雅各布1.10.1)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1474474 Static constants in the Variant class can no longer have SafeRelease() called on them.
1477793 obj2variant should accept java.util.Date the same way the Variant constructor does
Feature Requests

JACOB 1.10(雅各布1.10)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1340233 Null Program Id in Dispatch Constructor does bad things to VM(pre1)
1341763 Removed Variant serializable interface because it is not actually serializable on 2000/xp(pre1)
1435215 Incorrect memory release in SafeArray.cpp (pre4)
1224219 Memory leak in SafeArray.GetString() Olivier Laurent, Software AG Luxembourg and David Pierron, Software AG Luxembourg (pre3)
1224219 Change from UTF to UNICODE SafeArray.fromStringArray() Olivier Laurent, Software AG Luxembourg and David Pierron, Software AG Luxembourg (pre3)
1386454 Return values from event callbacks (pre3)
1394001 Missing variable initialization (pre3)
1208570 Support Excel and other objects events(pre1)
Feature Requests
1241037 Support NULL VT_DISPATCH.(pre2)
1169851 Support of VB's Nothing.(pre2)
1185167 Provide methods to connect to running instance.(pre1)
959381 Auto variant to object conversion method method added to Variant.(pre1)
1341779 Variant should accept java.util.Date in Variant(Object) constructor(pre1)

JACOB 1.9.1(雅各布1.9.1)

What's New

Tracked Changes

1335897 SafeArray() called toString() on objects when debug was turned on
1314116 putString UNICODE string length not detected
Feature Requests
1264850 Custom Event Dispatching
959382 Time Conversion
1313892 Multi-Dimensional SafeArray

JACOB 1.9(雅各布1.9)

What's New

JACOB 1.8(雅各布1.8)

What's New

  • JACOB 1.7(雅各布1.7)

    What's New

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